the hardest job in the world (part 1, of many)

 To Be a Good Husband  Comments Off on the hardest job in the world (part 1, of many)
Oct 012010

I’m going to write a little bit about why I said being a Dad is the second hardest job in the world.  I say this because our role as dad, father, pops, what have you – it doesn’t really start until the kid is born.  But I am seeing that for the mom, it starts from day 1 of conception.

My wife is now 7 weeks pregnant, and the poor girl is having allergic reactions and nausea that comes out of left and right field.  She can’t eat and keep things down, have to be careful about what she smells and what she looks at for fear of random nausea attacks.  I just have to take out the garbage and rub her feet – thing’s I do normally anyway.

So Junior, if in 20 years you find this old blog post and read this, know that your mother has had to put up with your antics from before you even had a spinal column.  I still have 8 more months to go before the real roller coaster ride begins.


 Posted by on October 1, 2010

the second hardest job in the world

 To Be A Good Dad, To Be a Good Husband  Comments Off on the second hardest job in the world
Sep 302010

The title of this site, “To Be a Good Dad”, is not just a title.  It’s a mission statement.

A few weeks ago, I found out that I am going to be a father.  No, check that.  I’m going to be a Dad.  I consider fatherhood to be what you are when you have a child simply by the inherent virtue that you provided half the DNA.  That’s not enough.  I think to be a Dad is a conscious choice, a choice you make to take the time, the effort, to do whatever it takes to be the friend, the mentor, and guide to this crazy world for this new, beautiful creature you’ve help create.

So why the second hardest job in the world?  Because the hardest job would be being a Mom, and I freely admit to that.  But being a Dad is no picnic either, and being a “Good” Dad is work.  Lots of work.

This site is my mission statement, and my chronicle of the things that I will discover on the road to being a good Dad.  Along the way I hope to share some insights, some tips, hints, cheats, and anything else that would help any guy out there who has taken upon himself to take up the mantle of “Dad”.


 Posted by on September 30, 2010